Russia Connection Established 4 March 2023 Well, my friends, I've covered the village with radio communication. There's hardly any mobile network here, so it used to be quite difficult for the villagers to communicate with each other before the arrival of the radio: sometimes one had to walk from house to house. That, generally speaking, isn't a flaw, but sometimes it could create quite the difficulty. The first two radio stations appeared here at the beginning of the year, and I gradually connected more and more villagers to the radio network. Today, the village radio network has seven radio stations. I connected the seventh one today, even though the heavy snowfall tried to disrupt my plans. I ran over to the neighbour's in the evening and handed the radio station to the new (and happy) radio enthusiast. (Indeed, I must admit that this village is very small, so only two houses are participating in the radio network. For reference: there's only one person officially registered in the village. As of today, after connecting the new transceiver, all the residents of these two houses are using the radio communication.) Copyright (c) 2023 Powered by Weblog v1.17.7