Georgia Crossing Boundaries 24 September 2023 On 21 September of last year, I held my final anti-war picket in Russia. Just three days later, I was forced to leave my hometown due to police persecution, temporarily placing my fate in the hands of The Unknown. As you might guess, I'm writing this note for a reason: today marks exactly one year since I left Ozyory. At the moment I was leaving my hometown, I was unaware that the police were looking for me; I only found out a few days later. Another two weeks passed before I found out that my mother had been taken in for questioning by criminal investigators, and that I was wanted. It's heartening to realise that, as of now, my life is not under any immediate threat. Even more gratifying is the fact that, thanks to my "escape", I was also able to evacuate my mother from the clutches of the Russian Federation, where her continued stay promised nothing good. This vast journey, which began exactly one year ago, continues to this day. In this year, many events have occurred: good and bad, joyous and sad, happy and tragic. I find it rather amusing that I left Ozyory as Mikhail Podivilov, but arrived in Sakartvelo as René Coignard. Despite facing numerous challenges along the way, and being fully aware that I'll still have to face and overcome many burdens and adversities in the future, I recognise that I'm always moving forward. A bright future awaits me, and I'm the only one who can author it. I will surely create this bright future. I am creating it right now. Copyright (c) 2023 Powered by Weblog v1.17.7