Updates Encryption Keys Updated (2024) 11 June 2024 For those holding copies of my public keys, please take note of the following updates: 1. PGP Key Validity Extended The PGP key with ID 0802BDCD52656EE9 for UID: * René Coignard, contact@renecoignard.com has had its validity extended to 1 January 2026. The updated version of this key can be obtained using WKD. The PGP key with ID 4435E28EDEADBEEF with UIDs: * Mikhail Podivilov, mikhail@podivilov.com * Михаил Подивилов, mikhail@podivilov.ru has also had its validity extended to 1 January 2026. Its current version can be obtained using WKD. 2. UID Revoked The PGP key with ID 4435E28EDEADBEEF for UID: * Michal Podivílov, michal@podivilov.cz has had this UID revoked. Copyright (c) 2024 contact@renecoignard.com Powered by Weblog v1.17.7