Misc                 Fixing the Incorrect Keyboard      3 September 2024
                         Layout at macOS Login

   A couple of months ago, I encountered a seemingly minor but quite
   annoying issue on my MacBook.  I encrypt the hard drives on all my
   laptops, which means I always need to enter a password when
   rebooting.  The problem was that after restarting, my MacBook would
   always default to the wrong keyboard layout, forcing me to manually
   change it through the layout selection menu.

   Unfortunately, there were many resources online discussing similar
   issues, but none of them worked when it came to adjusting settings
   with disk encryption enabled.  As it turned out, the issue was
   related to the fact that the input language settings were stored in
   NVRAM, not on the MacBook's hard drive, so tinkering with plist files
   didn't help.  The solution was simple: you need to run the command
   nvram prev-lang:kbd="en:252" under the root user, which will set the
   keyboard layout to ABC.  Enjoy!

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