Russia Grandmother's Bog 17 February 2023 For the second time this winter, I find myself at the bog, but I only thought to bring my camera this time. I've decided to share with you some snapshots of this wonderful place, where nature only allows a stroll in the winter. The path was made by a snowmobile: possibly even belonging to the local forestry department - I keep seeing green ribbons on the trees along the cleared path. It's interesting that if you continue to walk down this path and don't turn off it, you can reach the nearest village, which is a few kilometres from here. I've done this once before: it was a big loop, about ten to twelve kilometres. It's a great place to sing at the top of your voice: I'm not shy about acquainting the forest inhabitants with Rubinstein's "Mountain Peaks" each time. Copyright (c) 2023 Powered by Weblog v1.17.7