Russia No More Russia 3 April 2024 Last year, the Russian state, embodied by police officers from Kolomna, stormed into my mother's home and, without any semblance of civility, threatened to plant drugs on her to fabricate a criminal case against her. This happened because I had managed to escape to Sakartvelo to avoid being chased by the police for speaking out against the war and defending human rights. Realising how serious this was, I acted swiftly to bring my mother to join me in Sakartvelo, where she remains to this day. Meanwhile, I've moved to Germany on a humanitarian visa for safety reasons. Since my brother was also in danger from the authorities, I've finally managed to move him from Russia to Sakartvelo as well. It happened just a few days ago, and I still can't quite believe that my whole family is now safe and sound out of the country. Now, as my family gets used to life in Sakartvelo, I can relax and move forward without worrying about their safety. Copyright (c) 2024 Powered by Weblog v1.18.6