Projects Path to Acceptance 31 August 2023 I volunteer for an LGBTQ+ group called "Coming Out", which advocates for the rights of LGBTQ+ individuals in Russia. The aim of "Coming Out" is to secure equal rights for everyone at both the state and societal levels, irrespective of their sexual orientation and gender identity. The group has been operating since 2008. In June, upon "Coming Out's" request, I developed a Telegram- based chatbot named "Path to Acceptance." This chatbot is designed to facilitate discussions about LGBTQ+ topics with those who may not be knowledgeable in this area. The bot seeks to assist the LGBTQ+ community in conveying thoughts on equality, non- discrimination, and acceptance in a precise and scholarly manner. It relies on factual language and cites credible research and publications. The LGBTQ+ team at "Coming Out" has deconstructed stereotypes and myths about the queer community. For each homo-, bi- or transphobic argument, they have identified a counterargument and, where possible, added supplementary materials to help people better understand the subject. In the new version of the bot, which was published today, there are 25 new responses to queerphobic statements and a guide from a "Coming Out" psychologist on how to have a sensitive conversation with loved ones. In the next update, information about pan- and polyphobic arguments, asexuality, and polyamory will be added. Furthermore, existing categories will be expanded, and any issues or concerns raised by the bot's users will be addressed. Copyright (c) 2023 Powered by Weblog v1.17.7