Notes Romantic Relationships 27 December 2024 Throughout the past year, I've often found myself thinking about something that really interests me: romantic relationships and their place in my life. I've had several cool and promising relationships in the past, but I have to admit, it all felt more like a game or an experiment. I never felt I truly needed it - I was just trying to figure out how it could fit into my life and what role it might play. At the start of December, I came to two realisations: first, that romantic relationships don't interest me as much as they used to, and second, that even thinking about them creates unnecessary expectations in my life. So I decided to give up on romantic relationships for good. This new decision is similar to my views on antinatalism, which I adopted earlier in life and which I doubt I'll ever change my mind about. It's the same with this. In the past, I might have felt uncomfortable about this decision raising questions among my friends, but I recently discovered there's actually a term for it: aromanticism - when someone doesn't feel the need for romantic relationships. That's exactly me. I don't want to belong to anyone, and I don't want anyone to belong to me. I don't want to be obligated to someone, and I don't want anyone to feel obligated to me. Simple as that. I decided to share this little note on my weblog because I think it's important to talk about these things that people rarely discuss. Without these conversations, such positions might seem marginal to some, even though there's nothing wrong with having personal preferences about how to live your life and where to direct your attention. I'm not afraid to say this openly and possibly seem different to others - and you shouldn't be afraid to be who you are either. Copyright (c) 2024 Powered by Weblog v1.18.5