Russia The End of Water 13 February 2023 There is not only no gas in the village: there is also no centralised water supply here. In simple terms, water here is obtained the old- fashioned way: from a well. Well, not in buckets, of course - there is a pump at work - but still. And tonight there was a minor apocalypse: the water in the well ran out, air got into the system, and everything stopped. You can't wash the dishes or cook porridge. Very sad, but c'est la vie. After a walk in the forest, the host, his friend, and I tackled the problem directly. We also replaced a part at the pump that once flooded the basement and nearly caused a short circuit. It's great that I covered this place with radio communication: there is no mobile network here, so this is the only way to communicate. It was very convenient to coordinate actions. At the same time, all the local residents found out that the problem was solved and water is available again. I see two reasons for the disappearance of the water: either someone forgot to turn off the tap, or there were problems with the water entering the well due to sharp temperature fluctuations (here it can be -38°C, then +2°C). In any case, the local end of the world... I mean, the end of water, has been averted. And that's wonderful. Actually, the water here disappears not for the first time, so I have already managed to get used to it. There is also not always electricity here. Good things come, as they say, little by little. Copyright (c) 2023 Powered by Weblog v1.17.7