Georgia The Sakartvelo Chapter 12 September 2023 Exactly six months ago, at five in the morning, I passed through border control in Sakartvelo and found myself at Tbilisi International Airport. Thus concluded my escape from the Russian police, who had been persecuting me for my anti-war stance. This journey had started in September of the previous year and only concluded in March of this year. These have probably been the most productive six months of my life. An incredible number of events have occurred during this period, and I'll likely never have the opportunity to tell the full story of them all. Although, perhaps if I write my memoirs one day, I will certainly strive to remember every detail. Today, however, I want to focus on the most significant ones. My first night after arriving in Sakartvelo was spent at Ivan Drobotov's flat, and I'd like to extend my thanks to him once again. Following that, I spent two weeks living in a shelter. After my time there, I moved to a different shelter for a brief period. Finally, I settled into a rented room in a house near the Marjanishvili metro station. There, I met Maxim Ivantsov and many other equally fascinating people. Thanks to Maxim, I conducted a lecture series called "Privacy Day" in the educational space "Frame." Importantly for me, I also organized my first CryptoParty. During this event, participants exchanged PGP keys and went a step further by signing them for each other. In addition, I held a lecture on personal productivity methodologies like "Getting Things Done" and goal management strategies such as "Agile Results." I was also fortunate to find remote work as a DevOps engineer at a Cypriot IT company, complete with a wonderful team and a competitive salary. This job allowed me to get my mother out of Russia, where she had been unfairly targeted by the police. They had visited her and threatened to fabricate drug charges against her in order to open a criminal case, all because of my anti-war stance. I didn't want to stay in Tbilisi, as it was too noisy and large for my liking, so I moved to Kutaisi. I settled near the railway station, which allowed me, for the first time in many years, to visit the sea via a direct train. Kutaisi seemed more peaceful, quiet, and clean compared to Tbilisi. In August, Charlotte, my beloved from France, came to visit me to spend our joint vacation together. We visited Tbilisi, Kutaisi, Tskhaltubo, the Prometheus Cave, Poti, and journeyed up to the mountains in Svaneti and Mestia. We had a wonderful time together and were fortunate to share many very special moments. It was an extraordinary and unique adventure. After our vacation with Charlotte, my close friend Ivan Aleksandrovich came to visit me. The last time we had met was in Russia in February of the previous year, just a couple of weeks before the onset of the Russian invasion of Ukraine. I was genuinely pleased to see my friend again and, if I get the opportunity in the future, hope to visit him in the Czech Republic, where he now resides. Importantly, I was also able to address many health issues that had been plaguing me since I began hiding from the police in Russia. I must admit it was quite stressful, and my body was thoroughly worn out over those six months. However, I now feel full of energy and ready for new achievements. I want to thank everyone who has supported me throughout this long journey: my wonderful mum, my amazing brother, my incredible friends, and my dear Charlotte. Thank you all for everything you've done for me. I really appreciate and love you. Be happy, my dear friends. These have been remarkable six months. Let's see what life has in store for me, my family, and my friends in the foreseeable future. Copyright (c) 2023 Powered by Weblog v1.17.7