Notes Valentine's Note 14 February 2023 I have absolutely no understanding of Valentine's Day (also known as "the day of all lovers"), except that I know about the amusing tradition of giving "valentines" to loved ones on this day. Alas, but due to a strange twist of fate, I am still unattached romantically. To some extent, this is undoubtedly sad, but I am quite sure that it is unreasonable to worry about it, as I have no way to influence it. At least as long as I'm restricted in travelling within the country and the world. On the other hand, this is a very interesting experience, which I find somewhat beneficial. There was a paragraph here, logically following the previous one: in it, I decided to have a little whine about never having been given a "valentine" in my life. I'll explain why I rewrote this paragraph: the fact is that while I was whining, one subscriber to this channel sent me a valentine. Dear subscriber, thank you: it was truly very unexpected and pleasant, I appreciate it a lot. So, on the day of all lovers, as I have already said, loved ones are given valentines. You know, I once pondered the question of why people need the institution of marriage at all. What if I love all my friends and would not mind marrying each one or having each one marry me? So, my dear ones, I love you all. Let this note be today's improvised "valentine" for you. Thank you all for being in my life. Copyright (c) 2023 Powered by Weblog v1.17.7