Projects Weblog 14 April 2024 This weekend caught me by surprise: usually, after a workweek, I dedicate my free time to hanging out with friends or taking trips to new cities in Germany via Deutsche Bahn trains. However, this time the weather turned sour for traveling, and my friends already had their own plans, so I decided to occupy myself with something interesting. I chose to work on a project I had been contemplating for a while - a plain text-based blog engine on PHP. As you might have guessed, I succeeded (after all, you are most likely reading this text rendered by my engine). I have long been a proponent of minimalism, and running a blog in such a style is thrilling for me because it requires neither a database, nor HTML, nor CSS - nothing! Everything is stored in text files, which are rendered in a special way when the site is visited. I was inspired by the RFC format, so the blog looks accordingly. Currently, the blog engine supports generating sitemap.xml, RSS, displaying posts by unique links, categories, and date. As a bonus, you can find a cat on the 404 page if you try hard enough (give it a shot). The blog engine's source code is available on GitHub. Copyright (c) 2024 Powered by Weblog v1.17.7