Philosophy What is Bravery 15 August 2023 Today, someone very important to me told me that I am brave. This made me reflect upon what I understand by "bravery", the role it plays in a person's life, and whether I truly am brave. I believe that truly brave people are those who have the audacity to challenge the everyday and confront routine, daily chores, and all the other "ordinary" matters that make up our daily lives with dignity. I also think that the concept of bravery is closely intertwined with responsibility, which I discussed in the note about adulthood. To be brave means to have enough confidence in one's abilities and to have the capacity to take responsibility for one's life and the lives of one's loved ones. The ability to face any challenges life throws at you with dignity - that's what bravery is. So, can I call myself brave? Quite possibly. For a long time, I've been keenly aware of the limits of my responsibility and consistently brave decisions that are connected to my life and the lives of my loved ones. For instance, consider my political activities: I was aware that the police could target me for my statements and actions. After this actually happened, and I had to leave the country, I also ensured the safety of my mother. Another less obvious example is relationships. It takes a significant amount of bravery to accept a challenge from the universe and try to build healthy and happy relationships based on mutual respect, freedom, and love. I am capable of continuing to be brave for myself and for my dear ones. I will strive to remain brave in the future because bravery is intrinsically linked with responsibility, and I morally cannot afford to shirk the responsibility for my loved ones. Copyright (c) 2023 Powered by Weblog v1.17.7